Hello! I’m Sara Mulyani, but you can call me Dotz. I was born at 26th September 1990.
Gue seorang sanguine murni yang ceria, suka bercerita, bermimpi dan bermalas – malasan.
Hal pasti mengenai gue adalah meski terlihat percaya diri, sebenarnya gue tidak percaya diri, gue seorang pelupa yang sekarang belajar mencatat apapun yang penting untuk gue, dan meski sanguine murni, gue suka gelisah akan hal – hal kecil dan bersedih kemudian. I like to pretend that everythings alright but sometime i get tired and get sleep with tears in my eye.
I’m not beautifull but i’m perfect and i really love my self. I do love fashion, gardening and also traveling. But when you meet me in person, maybe you will get shock about what i look like, Almost everyday i only use “basket pant” with oversize “dekil” tee. Fashion is all about comfortable for me!
I have so many BIG DREAMS that i know i will get it soon! Everyday i always greatfull about everythings around me, i have great mom “mameh”, great big family “acan dll”, and also awsome fiance, Bink. Now i work at BajuBangkok.com, fashion online store and also i feel so gratefull about my job.
I really love to sleep, playing game, and do lazy thing for all day long, but recently i feel more happy when i do my job, i try really hard to prove my self. Gue juga bukanlah seorang yang baik hati karena gue sering memenangkan pikiran jahat gue melebihi yang seharusnya baik.
Maybe I’m not smart, but i have a strong will and i will never ever give up from everything!
And this is my story, i hope i can change better better and better and also thinner thinner, and thinner, so do you! Enjoy 😉